• Feel Good
  • 14th Jul 2022
  • 0
  • 1 minutes

Super Smoothie Ice Lollies

Keep cool with these nutritious smoothie ice lollies.


1 small ripe banana

1 mug of fresh or frozen berries , (150g)

1 mug of milk , (300ml)

3 tablespoons natural yoghurt

1 tablespoon runny honey

6 mint leaves



Peel the banana and place in a blender with the berries, milk, yoghurt and honey.

Pick in the mint leaves, then blitz until super smooth.

Divide the mixture between 8 ice lolly moulds, then pop a stick into each one. Put the ice lollies in the freezer for at least 4 hours, or until solid.

Tip: A super-ripe banana will add extra sweetness, so depending on its ripeness you might need a little more or less honey.


Recipe credit: Jamie Oliver

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Laura Kingston
Founder and Editor

Laura is the Founder and Editor of High Life North. She had the idea to set up an exclusively digital women’s magazine after feeling there was a gap in the market in the North East. With over 10 years of experience in marketing and PR, Laura had a very clear…


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