Easter egg cheesecakes

Level up your Easter eggs this bank holiday weekend with this recipe that takes less than half an hour to prepare.

Makes: 6 (2 large AND 4 small)



1 x 150g hollow Easter egg

2 x 100g hollow Easter eggs

150g digestive biscuits

60g butter, melted

600g full-fat soft cheese

200ml double cream

75ml soured cream

1 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract

75g icing sugar, sifted

To decorate

mini Easter eggs

chocolate bunnies

dulce de leche



Unwrap and carefully split the Easter eggs open to give 6 half-shells. If the chocolate is too cold they may shatter, so warm gently with your hands before unwrapping any foil.

Blitz the biscuits to crumbs in a food processor, or place in a food bag and bash with a rolling pin. Transfer to a bowl, add the melted butter and stir until well combined. Divide between the eggs and carefully press down to create an even layer. Chill in the fridge while you make the filling.

Put the soft cheese in a bowl with the double cream, soured cream, vanilla and icing sugar and beat with an electric whisk until smooth and thickened. Remove the chocolate shells from the fridge and fill each one with the cheesecake mixture, using a palette knife to smooth the surface.

Decorate with mini Easter eggs – we used an assortment of whole and roughly chopped ones – and chocolate bunnies, then finish with a drizzle of dulce de leche. Chill for a minimum of 2 hours before serving.


Recipe credit: Sarah Akhurst via Sainsbury’s Magazine

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Beth Williams
Senior Digital Executive

Beth is our Senior Digital Executive and can be credited with how everything at HLN ‘looks’ – from the website to our social media and twice-weekly emails. She’s also the super organised one in the team and keeps us all on-track. A born and bred scouser, Beth moved to Newcastle…


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