• Feel Good
  • 6th Apr 2024
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  • 8 minutes

Tired? Here’s how to get more energy

By Hannah Bullimore

Energy. Oh, wouldn’t we all love more of it. Fatigue is something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember – a dodgy thyroid will do that.

And even now that my body has recovered, I still often find myself wishing I had more energy.

But over the past few years of focussing on wellness I’ve realised that energy isn’t just about rest or sleep – though that is of course part of it – there are so many other things we can do to feel a little perkier. And with spring finally arriving, this is the perfect time to feel more energetic and get that zest for life back.

Here are eight tips that I’ve tried, tested and found really can help us have more energy.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep. For energy? Groundbreaking. I know, I know. But it really is the cornerstone of having enough energy and feeling well.

Some steps to improve your sleep might include:

  • Avoiding your phone for one hour before bed.
  • Avoiding caffeine after midday.
  • Reading a book before bed and/or using sleep meditation.
  • Rising and going to bed at the same time each day.
  • Keeping your room cool as the body needs to drop in temperature to fall into a deep sleep.

We all know that we need sleep but it can be a challenge to get deep, restful sleep particularly if our minds are busy and full of worries or to do lists. Keep a journal and pen by your bed so that if your mind is reeling during the night you can note down your thoughts and hopefully ease the cycle of overthinking.

Hack Your Circadian Rhythm

And by hack, I mean use to your advantage. The circadian rhythm is the body’s natural connection with the time of day. It’s what tells our bodies to sleep at night, to rise in the morning and to feel energetic during the day.

The problem with modern life can be that it switches us off from the natural rhythm of nature which our bodies are designed to run by.

When we’re in touch with the circadian rhythm we fall asleep more easily, we wake up without feeling groggy and we avoid the mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump.

Reconnecting with your circadian rhythm might involve getting some sunlight on a morning, going to bed at the same time each night and shifting your waking and sleeping times with the changing seasons.

The Circadian Code is a fantastic book looking in depth at how we can use this natural rhythm of day and night, as well as the seasons, to feel more energetic.

Dog leaning on table looking at glass of water

Hydrate. Hydrate.

Most of us simply aren’t drinking enough. And I know I’m guilty of this (sipping on a latte rather than water as I write this).

It’s no secret that good hydration can improve our skin, our energy and our health.

But did you know there is more to hydration than drinking water? We can get hydration from a range of foods such as fruit. But we also need electrolytes and other minerals to feel well, not just good old H2O. Including electrolytes in our daily rehydration, particularly when exercising more, is a vital step to having more energy.

Calming the parasympathetic nervous system AKA finding your zen.

Stress. We need it. But we definitely don’t need too much of it.

Each of us deals with the stresses of normal life as well as those not so normal events which can send our stress levels to a tipping point. It’s important to find the thing, or things, which help you to unwind and engage your parasympathetic nervous system to allow your body (and mind) to rest and restore.

Did you know, simply making your exhales longer than your inhales can help your body to come down from fight or flight to a more restful state?

For me, it’s yoga or cuddling my dog or going for a walk. For you, it could be a jog, a pilates class, a swim. Anything that helps you to feel more relaxed and at ease.

Move more

While we all need exercise to keep our bodies healthy, it is also great for boosting our energy. As Mama Bullimore has always said – the more you do, the more you want to do. And this is so true!

Exercise releases some very important endorphins that make us feel good and energised. It doesn’t have to be an intense HIIT class. It could be a walk, a bike ride, a yoga class. Whatever it may be, the more we move, the healthier we will be, the better we will sleep and the more of a natural high we will get from those endorphins.

So while you might feel tired and as though exercise is the last thing you want to do, moving more will make you feel energetic and will definitely help your health in the long run too.

Eating Right

Now we definitely don’t mean go on some fad diet or eat some weird mix of foods that is supposed to be good for us but makes us feel queasy at the thought.

Eating well should be simple and also tasty.

I’ve gone through some big dietary changes recently and the fact is that everyone (and every body) needs a different way of eating to feel well. It’s about finding what feels good for you.

The Food Medic AKA Hazel Wallace has talked on her Podcast about the Mediterranean Diet being the most efficacious for general wellbeing. This means eating whole foods, plenty of veggies, fish and occasional meat –  and yes, occasional wine too.

It’s about eating more fresh food than processed and using the seasons to guide our eating. I’m on a mission to cut back on processed foods and refined sugar at the moment and it is not easy. But enjoying cooking and using fresh ingredients in my meals is a great place to start.

However you eat, whatever you eat, trying to have plenty of veggies and whole foods and cutting back on the mid morning sugary snacks will help you avoid the sugar crash and caffeine addictions that can negatively affect our energy levels.

Coping with difficult emotions

Life happens. And life often isn’t easy.

Plus, as women, we are coping with the impact of our hormones. And I don’t know about you but that certain time of the month doesn’t half affect my emotions. I’m weepier and far more anxious and this can definitely impact my sleep and my energy.

After all, who wants to do anything when they’re feeling rubbish?

Sometimes we need to seek help if our low mood is lasting for a long period but here I’m talking about those low moods that are a normal part of life.

When I’m feeling low I have some go to actions to help me feel better. In yoga we talk about stagnant emotions and often it does feel as though that low mood is stuck in the body. I find getting moving can really help with this, whether a walk or twenty minutes of yoga flowing freely to my favourite music.

Other things I do to help a low mood include talking to my partner, seeing my close friends or reading a favourite book (Eat Pray Love or Harry Potter always do the trick).

Anxiety and low mood have been proven to make us feel less energetic and if this is something which consistently affects you then it is definitely best to check in with your GP.

That friend who lifts your spirit

Gemma is my best friend. We met at a yoga retreat, we’ve been friends for years and before I met my boyfriend she was my +1 to events. She’s an honorary member of the family and she is an absolute blast. I can guarantee that spending a few hours with her will give me more energy than a triple espresso.

I’m lucky to have friends (and sisters) who boost my energy like caffeine never could – and without the post caffeine crash.

Sometimes the best thing for our wellbeing is meeting up with the people we love, who make us laugh and can help us remember why life is good. A positive mood is connected to how energetic we feel and spending time with the people who make us laugh and feel good is a great way to boost our energy.

We’re all different and therefore we all have differing amounts of energy. There are so many factors which can affect our energy levels and these are just some tips that might help us to feel better.

The great thing about spring is that we naturally feel more energetic. There’s more daylight and warmer weather so our bodies will feel the benefit.

In many traditions the Spring equinox is the new year, rather than January 1st. So if you’ve not had the energy to work on those new years goals, fear not, this is the time when nature is ready for us to shake off the winter and feel more energised, more optimistic and more prepared to achieve and thrive.

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Beth Williams
Senior Digital Executive

Beth is our Senior Digital Executive and can be credited with how everything at HLN ‘looks’ – from the website to our social media and twice-weekly emails. She’s also the super organised one in the team and keeps us all on-track. A born and bred scouser, Beth moved to Newcastle…


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